Automotive Products

Automotive Products

Injury Claims for Automotive Products

Representing Victims of Automotive Defects in Jacksonville, FL 

In order to recover full compensation in cases involving serious or fatal car crashes, our attorneys work to identify all factors involved. One question our legal team always investigates is “Did a motor vehicle defect cause the crash?”

Attorneys at Coker Law work with an Accident Reconstructionist and other scientific experts to identify those cases, and recover compensation for our clients through product liability claims. If you suspect a manufacturing or design defect caused your auto crash and serious injury, you may have a case.

It is important to know what to look for when choosing legal representation, as this is a very specialized type of claim. Our attorneys have handled a broad range of claims involving defective automotive products and equipment.

Types of Motor Vehicle Defects

We sometimes discover, as we prepare a case, that a car crash injury apparently caused by weather or driver error actually was the result of a defective tire or poor design. 

Examples of motor vehicle defects that have caused injury and wrongful death include the following:

  • Defective tires, leading to tread separations, blowouts and loss of control
  • Manufacturing defects in seat belts, head restraints and air bags, leading to seat belt failure, seat back failure or spontaneous deployment of an air bag, resulting in neck and back injuries or death
  •  Design defects resulting in poor crashworthiness
  • Instability leading to SUV rollover crashes, causing death, brain injury or spinal cord injury
  • Negligent maintenance leading to brake failure or failure of the steering system
  • Car seat heater burn injuries

At Coker Law, more than 45 years of investigating and litigating auto crash cases has taught us that auto defects often cause crashes or make the injuries far worse than they should have been. Serious injury cases require substantial financial resources.

When auto manufacturers sell defective cars, sometimes with full knowledge of those auto defects, they should be held accountable for the injuries they caused. Our lawyers and experts look beyond obvious car crash causes in order to receive full compensation for our clients.

Auto defects have the capacity to turn a minor incident into a catastrophic crash. A sharp turn or sideswipe should not cause a dangerous rollover crash, but in a vehicle designed with a high center of gravity, that is likely to happen. When a car lands on its roof, the roof should be strong enough to protect occupants belted into their seats.


A key question we ask in the aftermath of a serious automobile crash is, “Was the car designed for crashworthiness?” Most experts agree that a car's doors should be able to withstand a T-bone crash, and protect the occupants. 

A car should have sufficient fire protection so that a rear-end collision does not cause a deadly explosion. Seat belts should not unlatch or spool out during a crash. Air bags should properly deploy. Restraint systems should protect drivers and passengers. The tires on a car should be able to withstand predictable driving circumstances.

Defective and dangerous automotive product situations that are the cause of an injury or the extent of injuries include:

  • SUV rollovers
  • Fuel system fires
  • Inadequate crashworthiness
  • Truck rollovers
  • Door latch failures
  • Occupant restraint system failures
  • Post-collision fires
  • Roof crush & roof pillar defects
  • Tire blowouts & de-treading
  • Structural & component failures
  • Defective airbags
  • Ejection injuries from seat belt failure
  • Seat back failure in rear end collisions
  • Defective brakes
  • Motorcycle design defects

If you or a family member has been injured in an automotive crash that was caused by a dangerous or defective automotive product, you may have a claim of liability against the manufacturer. If a defective automotive product directly contributed to the severity of your injuries in a vehicle crash, you may also be entitled to compensation.

To speak with a Coker Law attorney or for more information, call (904) 299-0808 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

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(904) 356-6071

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